Digital pins 0 and 1 of Arduino UNO should be avoided because they are used for data receiving and transmitting purposes. The USB port uses these two pins to upload your sketch. In Arduino UNO digital pin 0 is marked as RX and digital pin 1
is marked as TX. Where RX stands for receive and TX stands for transmitting. Both of these pins are used to transmit and receive data on the Arduino UNO board.
Why Digital pin 0 and 1 of Arduino UNO should be Avoided |
What is Digital pin 0 and Digital pin 1
Digital pin 0 and digital pin 1 of Arduino, are the first two digital input-output pins provided by almost every Arduino boards. These two digital pins are used by the USB port for uploading your sketch to the Arduino board. That's why it is generally, it is said to the beginners that they
should avoid the digital pins 0 and digital pin 1 for the projects.
Digital Pin 0
You will find the digital pin 0 at the top right corner of the Arduino UNO board or at the opposite of the row where the reset button is placed. you will see that the Digital pin 0 is marked as RX, which means to receive. And there is an arrow, which is directing pin 0 to the Arduino board. That means something can be received by the Arduino board through the digital pins 0. there is an inbuilt LED light marked as RX. when the Arduino board receives some data this led glows up and starts blinking according to the rate of data receiving. Digital Pin 1
You will find digital pin 1 just after the digital pin 0 in the Arduino UNO board. you will see that digital pin 1 is marked as TX. Here TX means to transmit. and there is an arrow which is directing the Arduino board to the digital pin 1. That simplifies that something can be transmitted from the Arduino board through the digital pin 1. there is an inbuilt LED light labeled as TX, just above the LED labeled RX. This led will glow up when the Arduino board will transmit some data. That means if the digital pin one is high then the LED named RX will start blinking according to the rate of data transmission. Why Digital pin 0 and 1 of Arduino UNO should be Avoided
Both of the digital pins 0 and 1 are used by the USB Port to upload the program to the board. That's the reason when you upload any program in your Arduino board both the LED RX and TX should start blinking until your upload finishes. That's why digital pin 0 and digital pin 1 of Arduino UNO is normally avoided for the projects. But we can definitely use the digital pin 0 and digital pin 1 as a digital input-output pin after uploading the program or sketch to the Arduino board.